TRAINING SAFETY FOR THE LABORATORY TRAINING KESELAMATAN UNTUK LABORATORIUM TRAINING ELECTRICAL SAFETY OVERVIEW: A series of 12 training programs that explain how to establish safety procedures that conform to OSHA regulations. LABORATORY SAFETY TRAINING OUTLINE: Day 1 Orientation to Laboratory Safety Eye protection, fire evacuation protocol, lab coats, the Chemical Hygiene Plan, MSDS’s and more …
TRAINING BASIC DESIGN AND ENGINEERING TRAINING ENGINEERING MATERIALS TRAINING ELECTRICAL MOTOR FUNDAMENTAL Description Engineering Design is increasingly driven by the objectives of performance, cost and environmental sensitivity. All three very frequently are limited by materials. There are somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 materials available to the engineer. They are drawn from all material classes: metals, …
TRAINING KESELAMATAN LISTRIK TRAINING ELECTRICAL SAFETY TRAINING KESELAMATAN Electrical Safety Description Electricity is an inherently dangerous but versatile source of energy. When it is utilized according to sound safety principles, personal injury and property damage can be effectively prevented. This section contains general information for the safe use of electricity.The course provides you with working …
TRAINING POWER ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SYSTEM TRAINING ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS TRAINING ELECTRICAL SAFETY DESKRIPSI Pelatihan ini memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang Instalasi Tenaga listrik di Industri sesuai dengan Standard Nasional/IEC. Pelatihan ditekankan pada pemahaman Diagram Instalasi, prinsip kerja komponen–komponen beserta spesifikasi, pemilihan komponen, instalasi dan proteksi sesuai dengan standard Nasional/IEC/PUIL sehingga setelah mengikuti pelatihan diharapkan para …
TRAINING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS TRAINING MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT DESKRIPSI This course is designed to meet the training needs of plant maintenance personnel engaged in the day-to-day troubleshooting and fault correction of industrial electrical equipment. It is appropriate for electrical maintenance personnel in need of a review of electrical …